
The patches that have strengthened, mended, and formed me.

Monday, February 9, 2015

6 Ways to Manage Disagreements

Lately it's been on my heart to share why I believe important, controversial, and difficult conversations turn south...i.e. bad. As a missionary, I had many difficult conversations with people. Many people in society openly disagree with many of my beliefs as a young, Catholic Christian, married woman.  I honestly welcome the conversations because it creates beautiful dialogue with a variety of people. I learned and continue to learn so much about other belief systems, and in turn makes me feel as if I am becoming more educated...
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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Advent: A Season of Preparation...and how to Celebrate!

Growing up I associated Christmas with what most children do....Santa, presents, yummy food, and Jesus. My parents did an awesome job at explaining that Christmas was Jesus' birth, but we never had Advent calendars, celebrated feast days, and I never knew that Advent was considered "mini Lent" until a couple of years ago. Advent, just like Lent, is a time of preparation and getting excited for the coming of our Lord! It's a time to fast, pray, and grow closer to God. I've always loved Lent and so last Advent I committed myself to growing...
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Thursday, October 9, 2014

What it Means to be Human: A Catholic Response to Brittany Maynard

Today I am choosing to write about a controversial topic. I don’t often do this and I’m asking that you keep an open mind.  Many of you have heard about Brittany Maynard who has a brain tumor and is choosing to end her life on November 1st by taking medication provided under Oregon’s death for dignity law. If you have not, please read her story.   I have no idea what kind-of pain Brittany is in right now. To know that she is dying at 29 is tragic, but with that being said, I do not agree with her decision. Many...
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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

13 Books that Changed My Life

Reading is something I really enjoy. My mom has always said that she's worldly not because of how many places she's traveled, but by the type of books she's read. I have always loved this about my mom. I know that I can't afford to travel the world, but I can afford to buy books (many of these you can find at thrift stores for $1-$3). Too many blogs/critics choice columns are recommending books that I have frankly really disliked. When I read, I want the book to be unique, funny, and one that makes me want to be a better person....
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Seeking Affirmation

Now that I'm married I have received these three questions the most: Are you going to get a puppy? Are you pregnant? Have you gotten your wedding pictures back yet? The answers to these questions are: Absolutely not. Nope. Yes! I kind-of find all three of these questions funny, but in particular the last one. It's just not a question I was expecting. Everyone's follow-up question has been: "When are you going to post them on....(fill in the blank with any social media site)?!" The more people kept asking me, the more anxious I became. To be honest, I have been guilty of stalking people's wedding photos...some of...
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Monday, April 21, 2014

New Life

First off, Happy Easter! Hooray! Jesus is Risen! Here is a little something I wrote on Good Friday about Lent... Lent is quite possibly one of my favorite times of the year. It is so beautiful because we spend 40 days deeply uniting ourselves to Jesus Christ! Too often I only come to the Cross when I'm nailing Jesus to it, but this Lent it was my personal goal to come to the Cross daily in some sort of sacrifice. Not because I had to, but because I deeply wanted to.  Jesus gave His life for us. What an amazing gift that I know...
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Monday, March 31, 2014

Praying over Pinning

I'm a huge fan of Pinterest...especially now that I'm engaged. I gave up Facebook on my phone for Lent, so naturally I use Pinterest more now (sorry God...I know this defeats the purpose). Anyway, as much as I pin, I find it difficult not to pin for the future and in so many cases keep reality in check. I could pin the "How to cook a 10 course meal," but lets be real people, I will NEVER do that, yet, I pin it anyway. So when does "pinning" go too far? When can what we pin on Pinterest cause us to loose our grasp on reality?  Are...
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Hi, I'm Anna. Jesus has transformed my life and I want to share His love with the world.
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