The patches that have strengthened, mended, and formed me.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Made for a Relationship

"How can you just walk up to someone and talk to them about Jesus? I could never do that." This is a question and comment I get ALL the time. My question is, "How can you not?!" I think this is the perfect thing to reflect on as Easter comes to an end. On Good Friday, Jesus took up His Cross and died for us (He does this on a daily basis just fyi). As He's hanging on the Cross, He says, "I thirst." He's not thirsty for water, but for a RELATIONSHIP with you! He died for you because He wants you to have everything in the world and for Him to know you like a father loves his child. Many students and people don't know this kind of love or that it even exits. They may have heard of Jesus before and even tried going to church a couple of times, but that's not a relationship. Truly knowing Jesus is living a life as close to Him as possible. Jesus went out and taught about the love of God. ALL of us are also called to do that.

I took some Disciples (students who are learning how to lead their own Bible study) out to barehand Evangelize (walking up to random people and starting a conversation). It was an amazing experience. I spent 6 hours straight several days in a row doing this on campus. We talked to so many people and every single one of them went well. My girls were scared to death. The devil loves to place fear and doubt into your thoughts....especially when you're trying to do the work of God. Here's how some of them went:

  •  Amy talked to a girl who is an atheist. Amy shared her testimony and the love God has placed in her life and the girl she talked to said it was one of the best conversations she's ever had and that she'll remember it for the rest of her life. 
  • Katie talked to a girl who just moved here from Mexico a day ago. She seemed really uncertain about a lot of things, but we were able to show her where the Catholic center was, so hopefully she'll come.
  • Marisa shared the gospel with a girl whose family is Catholic, but she wasn't brought up very strongly in the faith. She doesn't go at all in college, but wants to join a Bible study.
  • Olivia talked to a girl who has a lot of Christian friends and even has visited many different churches, but hasn't really felt connected to any of them. She had no idea what a relationship with Jesus would be like.
  • Jacky talked to a girl who used to be Catholic, but left the Church in college because she didn't feel connected to it. Now she goes to a non-denominational church. Her response was that she had never in her life met Catholics like us (meaning on fire for their faith). I wanted to cry.
The message of Jesus Christ is powerful! Billions of people in the world know who Jesus is historically, but have no idea what it's like to be in a relationship with Him. It's an epidemic. Instead of creating ourselves in the image of Jesus, we create Jesus in our image. That's really scary. We try to find a God of comfort and complacency. We want to "hide under a bushel basket" because that's what's safe. Jesus didn't die on the Cross for you to shy away from sharing His light with the world. Suck it up and share what you love about your faith. Share the love you feel from Jesus. 

Please remember:
  • You are made to be in a relationship with God. That's all He wants.
  • Our relationship is broken through our sin (distractions, not giving Him time, denying His love).
  • God is so merciful, that He gave His Son Jesus to die on the Cross for our sins and to repair our broken relationship.
  • God is also incredibly awesome and gives us free will. He doesn't force a relationship with us. He still allows us to choose Him.
  • Now you have a choice. Are you going to follow Jesus' example?
"How do I have a relationship with Jesus?" Start praying every single day. Give Him your time. Read Scripture. If you want to know who Jesus is, READ your Bible. Once you start to live your life like Jesus led His, you're going to come to know Him in a powerful way. I will never look at my life the same after being a missionary. Thank you to everyone who has made this possible. Be Saints, be soldiers, and be the love of Jesus that the world needs, Anna.
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Hi, I'm Anna. Jesus has transformed my life and I want to share His love with the world.
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