The patches that have strengthened, mended, and formed me.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Windy City

I'm entering into my last week at training and I have mixed feelings about the situation. I am looking forward to seeing my family and spending time in Oklahoma before I go to Arizona, BUT I have met some amazing people at training. I'm constantly surrounded by laughter, people who are in love with Jesus Christ, and pure joy. I am so grateful for this experience!

Anyway, meet team Arizona State!
James, Zach, Me, Maureen, baby Madeline, and Matt. Missing: Sheena.
 We played Putt Putt as a team to get to know each other better. I won 2nd place! Pretty good if I do say so myself. James is in his 3rd year as a missionary. He's our team director (aka leader). Zach is a 1st year missionary and graduated from Benedictine. Matt and Maureen are married and have baby Madeline. They're also 1st year missionaries. Sheena is our other teammate, but she's not at training because she's a 4th year missionary!
Our team made a trip to Chicago!

Chicago 94 stories up. Crazy.

My 1st taste of deep dish pizza. It was intense.

The only thing I really wanted to do in Chicago was see the bean. My wish came true! Thanks guys.

We ate our dinner here. I was told it's famous in the SNL world.
Chicago was fantastic, but I'm really glad I was not placed there. It was nice to visit the big city, but it was so busy! I don't think I could handle it all the time. It was a really fun day with the team!
Thundering Up! 

New friends who I'm really going to miss!
FOCUS training has been one of the best experiences of my life. I've learned so much about myself and about Jesus. The people here are so unique and magnificent. I know this year is going to bring many wonderful opportunities and graces are going to flow! It will definitely be rough at times....especially when I'm on campus, but eternity is worth the awkwardness. :)


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Hi, I'm Anna. Jesus has transformed my life and I want to share His love with the world.
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