Mu Epsilon Theta, the Catholic sorority, we're bringing to ASU is in full swing! It's so unbelievably amazing to think that we are actually becoming a National sorority and that I get to be the pledge educator of the Alpha class of the Gamma Chapter!!! Jesus is just my absolute favorite. I keep getting bucketfuls of graces poured on my head and I'm loving it, so Jesus, keep it coming.
Bid day is the day the girls received their invitation into the sorority. For fun, I had them dress in their 80's best! The girls look AWESOME!
We had a "Best 80's Hair" Competition. Hahaha...Maggie! |
Our hair "models" who had to show off their new hairdos! |
All the girls! |
Once they receive their bid, or invitation, they can then choose to become a pledge. Telete imitation is when this happens! 25 women have officially became pledges of Mu Epsilon Theta!!! :)
Me and the new pledges! |
Some of my lovely sorority sisters flew to AZ from TX to help! Thank you ladies! |
After pledge initiation, they all go on a pledge retreat. So fun. They learn more about the pledge process and we do 3 main activities from our pillars: Spirituality, Sisterhood, and Service. For our Spirituality pillar, we discussed the power of prayer and that God wants to give us absolutely everything that we want in life. So much so that He's already given it to us (Mark 11:24). I also had them write down 1 thing that was holding them back from having a deeper relationship with Jesus. Soon we are going to have a burn party and send them up in smoke! For our sisterhood, the ladies played skit in a bag. I split them into groups and gave them a bag filled with random objects. They had 5 minutes to create a skit from what they found in the bag. The skits were HILARIOUS! If you're my Facebook friend, you should look at my videos and watch them. For service, all the girls donated nonperishable food items to add to the pantry for the homeless!
Keani sharing some things about herself! |
Voting on our pledge officers. |
For Valentine's Day some of my girls helped hand out chocolate to the women on campus. We attached notes that had Bible verses and You're worth waiting for written on them! We handed out over 600 chocolates! It was a great way to spread a little Jesus love on Valentine's day!
Valentine's Day! |
For FOCUS, we had our student missionary night last Friday. We had it at my house and it was packed! We almost didn't fit! Zach and Mayra, 2 of our missionaries, talked about the different Vocational options available.
Almost everyone! |
Fr. Muir also blessed my house! Yes! |
Some students after Mass on Wednesday! We all went to a pizza place close to the Church. |
Cool story: Olivia, one of the students I work with is now leading her own Bible study within the sorority! She was voted in as our Chaplain and she's leading 6 women through a study that have never been in one before. It's a huge blessing and she was so excited afterward. I'm so proud and happy for Olivia. Please keep her in your prayers!
Update: Olga has been going to Mass! She still doesn't accept the Eucharist and cries every time, but she's improving! Keep praying for her please.
Thank you to everyone who is supporting me. You have no idea how much I appreciate it and love you for it! I'm being challenged in so many ways right now and your kind words mean a lot! Keep me updated on how you need prayers and continue to pray for our future successor of Peter! How exciting is it to be a Catholic right now?! Stay strong in your faith and firm in prayer. All my blessings, Anna.
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