Life has been crazy since Bible studies have started! I'm constantly meeting up with girls, prepping for study, or getting ready for an event. It's such an amazing job and I feel blessed to do it every single day.
One night after Mass and Adoration we played shaving cream whiffle ball with our students. It's exactly like baseball except you play with whiffle balls and fill them with shaving cream. Once you hit the ball, the shaving cream flies everywhere. It's possibly the greatest game on earth. We played in the middle of campus at night, so other students could join in if they wanted to play too!
I had so much shaving cream on me! |
Praying with Fr. Muir after the game. |
The world would not be the same without you. |
You're here for a reason. |
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Some of the women who helped chalk campus. |
Playing with the confetti on the tables. :) |
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Some of the students. |
Confetti from the tables. It's our club look. |
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My team director, James, goofing off while cleaning up. His dream is to become a model. |
Our sign. |
Some of my Bible study girls helping out. |
More Bible study girls. They all did so well! |
Walking to the club. |
Ahhhhhhhmazing! |
Zach(weirdo with his shirt off), James, and me at the Grand Canyon!!! |
I would love to just sit here and pray every day. FYI: I totally climbed out on a ledge to take this. I could have fallen into the Grand Canyon. It would have been an okay way to die. |
Here's the study if you'd like to go through it yourself! Do it. It's my favorite.
- Is there a certain verse, word, or phrase that stands out to you? What touched your heart while reading this parable?
- Why is it strange that Jesus passes through Samaria?
- Jews and Samaritans didn't get along
- Originally there was 12 tribes in Israel. A war happened and they split. 10 Northern=Samaritans, 2 Southern=Jews
- What is Jesus doing?
- Taking a risk to share the gospel
- What time of day is it?
- Noon
- Why is this significant?
- Hottest part of the day. The woman doesn't want to meet anyone at the well. All of the other women go in the morning when it's cool and they socialize. The woman is shunned.
- What's symbolic about Jesus sitting?
- Always sits when He teaches. He's about to teach the woman something. The Pope also sits when he teaches
- Why does he start the conversation about water?
- An invitation; relatable. He's also the Living Water
- Why did Jesus meet her at a well?
- Symbolic of wanting to dig into a deeper relationship
- He doesn't meet her at a spring
- Jesus is the only one that can fill our need for love.
- yet, we keep trying to fill the void with other things. He's the Living Water that truly satisfies. Jesus is the only answer to everyone's longing love.
- How many husbands does the woman have?
- 5
- What's this symbolize? -The Samaratins worshiped 5 gods...symbolic of those gods
- Why were the disciples amazed He was talking to a woman?
- discuss. Not traditional for men to talk to women
- I think it's funny the disciples still even questioned him
- What's significant about the woman leaving the jar behind?
- Leaving her old life. She's now filled with the Living Water
- Did you notice the course of her conversion?
- Sir (v 11) Prophet (v19) Messiah (v29)
- sir-ordinary man
- prophet-great teacher
- Messiah-savior of the world
- She left her old life to proclaim the gospel. Can anyone think of a time when you were living the wrong life and then came back to Jesus?
- What did she do when she ran into the town?
- Gave her testimony
- What's a testimony?
- Personal journey with Christ. Can also be your conversion story.
- A form of the gospel!!! Can share and possibly bring someone else to Christ.
- Many people can relate to testimonies.
- We're all called to share the gospel, so we're also called to share our testimony.
- Challenge: Start thinking about what your testimony is. Everyone has one. 1/2 through the semester my women are going to have to share their testimony with the group and to at least 1 stranger.
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