The patches that have strengthened, mended, and formed me.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Visiting the Lou

I'm at FOCUS training! Eeek! I arrived on Saturday and I was so overwhelmed, but I'm adjusting well. Both Saturday and Sunday were really relaxing days. I've surprisingly worked out A LOT since I've been here. Today we have class, prayer, and other fun stuff. Before I came to training, Perla, Maddy (other FOCUS missionaries), and I went to St. Louis to visit Joe and prego mamma Reese (missionaries)! I had a blast. I had never been to St. Louis and had soooo much fun. Joe was an amazing tour guide. I hope your enjoy the pictures. :)

At Grant's Farm with a Llama. :)
Grant's Farm is this awesome park that has exotic, endangered, and farm animals. It's also FREE!  It is ran by Anheuser-Busch, so at the end of the tour, you get free beer!!!

At Grant's Farm with our free beer. Reese isn't drinking because she has a baby in her. 
Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis
After getting our free beer, we went to the Cathedral in Saint Louis. It was absolutely gorgeous and on Saturday morning we got to go to the Ordination Mass. We have 5 new priests joining the church from Saint Louis. Yay!

Anheuser-Busch Brewery

St. Louis is the home of the Anheuser-Busch brewery, so of course we visited. We went on a full tour and at the end got more free beer! There's a pretty awesome trend going on in St. Louis.

In front of a beer cart at the brewery. 

The famous St. Louis Arch

Pizza at Imos-It's famous in St. Louis

Our 1st night together at training!
Perla, Veronica, Madeline, and me.
I know training is going to be difficult and reveal things about myself that I never knew. I'm scared out of my mind, but excited all at the same time. I feel God's presence in my life and all I want to do is His will. I have a desire to help others carry their cross and to also carry mine. I'm going to leave you with one of my favorite quotes read in class today: "The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness. " -Pope Benedict the XVI

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Why Patches?

 Hello. I'm really excited to enter the blogging world! I had a very difficult time coming up with the title of my blog, so I asked my parents for help. My dad inspired the title Patches, so thanks dad. :) I looked up the meaning of the word patch and one of the definitions is that a patch strengthens and mends. I thought "How perfect!" As a new missionary I hope to place patches in student's lives and I know my life will be patched in many ways. 

Blogging is going to be a way for me to track my missionary journey, share it with others, and share how Christ is blessing my life. I hope you find entertainment, laughter, and joy in my posts. My life is going to have some radical changes over the next 2 years and I can't wait to experience them all! Please feel free to comment, critique, praise, or contact me. I'd love to talk, pray for you, or hear your journey. Here's to entering into a new adventure! :D
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Hi, I'm Anna. Jesus has transformed my life and I want to share His love with the world.
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