The patches that have strengthened, mended, and formed me.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Praying over Pinning

I'm a huge fan of Pinterest...especially now that I'm engaged. I gave up Facebook on my phone for Lent, so naturally I use Pinterest more now (sorry God...I know this defeats the purpose). Anyway, as much as I pin, I find it difficult not to pin for the future and in so many cases keep reality in check. I could pin the "How to cook a 10 course meal," but lets be real people, I will NEVER do that, yet, I pin it anyway.

So when does "pinning" go too far? When can what we pin on Pinterest cause us to loose our grasp on reality?  Are we too busy pinning for babies we don't have, parties that don't yet exist, weddings without relationships, dream houses when we can't afford lunch, the perfect date...without the mate, or the perfect beach waves when we rock a pixie cut?!

I creeped on some of my friends Pinterest boards to see what I could find and here are some of the goods. Disclaimer: I love all these people. I also pin absurd things and have weird boards, I'm just trying to shed light and make it light.

I know for a fact that this friend is not pregnant...or even married; yet, 158 pins are dedicated to sweet little babies.

This made me literally laugh out with a question mark (417 pins).

This is great. Don't workout to feel better or stronger, but so you get hot and for the approval of others. Yep, good job Pinterest.

I covered emotional chastity in Bible study and how pinning for our future weddings can really mess with our heart. This is one of my Bible study girl's boards. ;) ha...I love you!

Oh my indeed! That's one sultry man.... and cute kitten.

I'm the proud pinner of this pin. Don't ask me why I was looking at house plans...James and I can barely afford an apartment.

Here's another great "fitness" board...gettin' skinny. 

Why are we as women so obsessed with our future everything? Our future house, job, husband, baby, outfit, or date? I spend a lot of time on Pinterest and sadly, I've realized it. 

Here are some of my more recent pins:

God knows the overarching plan for us. He's already created our "boards" and gives us the "pins" we need.  We don't have to do it. He will provide the perfect man (if that's your vocation), he will give you the most beautiful babies you could ever hope for, He will give you a life full of love and joy, and He will honor you by you honoring Him.

I never pinned a single wedding pin until James and I started shopping for an engagement ring. I knew that my heart couldn't handle it and I wanted to remain fully open to Him. Sometimes we think we'll marry the cute hipster, but end up with the cute/goofy bodybuilder. 

Example: What I thought he'd look like and my happy reality. God is too good to me.
Alter your life to mirror God's life. I challenge you to set aside your plans and instead of pinning or planning, pray. Spend that time with God.
Happy praying, Anna.

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Hi, I'm Anna. Jesus has transformed my life and I want to share His love with the world.
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