The patches that have strengthened, mended, and formed me.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Calm Within the Storm

"Why do bad things happen to good people?" "How could God allow such devastation?" "Why did God allow all those people to die?" With the horrible tornados happening in Oklahoma, I'm sure a variation of these questions have crossed your mind. As many of you know, I am a Catholic missionary and an Okie (I'm currently in OK now visiting my family). These storms hit very close to home  and thankfully, my family and house is fine; however, it is difficult to understand natural disasters. If God is in-charge of the universe, why did He do this? Well, He didn't. 

If you feel so inclined, read Romans 8:18-25. There will always be evil in the world and in the heart of man. The rebellion of nature mirrors the human heart. Our planet is in rebellion against the original order of our loving creator, God. However, God didn't bring about tornados in Oklahoma because He is angry or because the people specifically in OK are sinners. Luke 13:1-9 talks of Pilot and the Galileans. Luke also says that those whom the tower in Siloam killed were no greater sinners than the ones not killed. God doesn't punish. God is all good. Evil and destruction come from us humans and the devil. Unfortunately we live in a fallen world. A world in need of repentance and love. A world in need of faith in God.

God blessed us abundantly from the beginning of time. He gave us everything. Through the fall of Adam and Eve, we also fell, but how beautiful is God to send His Son, Jesus Christ. Even in our fallen state, He sends us love, mercy, and help. Through the power of Jesus' resurrection, we are made to live in His light. Through the power of Jesus' resurrection, ask Him to strengthen our faith. 

God doesn't cause evil, but yes, He permits it to happen. Why? To bring about a greater good. Oklahomans and people from all around the world have stepped in to help. Newscasters, Mayors, and even our president, Mr. Obama, have said: "pray." God is beautiful. He knows how to unite. He knows how to love. He is our Savior. Pray.

My heart cries out for those who have lost loved ones, their homes, their hope, or their faith. I am praying for you. Let us cry to God together. Let us rise up and become a stronger person, Christian, and nation. Fight for the good, Anna.

PS. I did have help in writing this. Thank you to Jesus for leaving us the Bible, to the Catholic Church, to Fr. Barron, and to the Holy Spirit in guiding me in prayer. Feel free to comment or email ( on how I can specifically pray for you or someone you know who has been affected by the tornados. 


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Hi, I'm Anna. Jesus has transformed my life and I want to share His love with the world.
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